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The Scrap Room
Picture Selection

Do you have so many pictures that it holds you back because you just don't know what to do with them all? In the digital photography age we are able to take and save so many pictures, and before your know it, you have hundreds of pictures that span maybe a single weekend!  Sure everyone has that one trip, the trip of a lifetime, from which they can't let go of any pictures. Later in this series we will be addressing ways to accommodate such a vast amount of pictures, but this week we are focusing on a more minimalistic approach, the less is more approach, and keeping our lives a little less cluttered and a little more organized.

First off, don't be afraid to throw out pictures. Do you really need pictures that are blurry or unflattering? Or pictures that you just don't like?  When are you REALLY going to want to look at 269,247 pictures of Anything least of all pictures of cropped off heads, images that are hard to make out, or 20 pictures of the exact same thing from a slightly different angle? Probably never. But you, and other family and friends, will want to look at the highlights, so try to choose pictures that encompass that idea. 

Picture Selection
Remember, you don't have to scrap all of the pictures that you keep. Use some pictures in "off the page" projects (Did you see last week's Upcycled Shadow Box? ) Such as wall art and other home decor, slideshow dvds, and more! We've got lots of ideas in store for you this fall, so be sure to check back every Wednesday for more ideas!

When you’re selecting photographs for a scrapbook project, don't feel like you have to incorporate all of them into your scrapbook! Your scrapbook should tell a story, and hold your FAVORITE pictures.  If you make annual albums for your family and you find they get a little too full, think about doing smaller, themed scrapbooks for special occasions. That way in your annual album, your can dedicate a nice 2 page spread to your wonderful Hawaii vacation, but have a separate smaller album that encompasses all the extra pictures from your trip. 

Once you’ve selected and printed the pictures for your scrapbook, lay them out and see what you have to work with. The amount and sizes and types of pictures will play a significant roll  in what album type is best for your project. 

Scrapbook Styles
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